
How to Install Solar Panels: Installation Instructions

Solar panels work in windless weather and gloomy cloudy days. It is important to install them correctly. We will talk about this in the article.

What does a power plant consist of?

  • Solar panel. Converts the sun into electricity.
  • Battery. Accumulates generated electricity.
  • Controller. Its task is to monitor changes in the battery. In addition to its own, it performs additional functions. It can turn off other parts, ensuring their operation without damage. If during the daytime there are 14 volts on the terminals, which means overcharging, it will interrupt charging. At night, when the indicator is extremely low at 11 volts, it will instantly stop the power station.
  • Inverter. For converting direct voltage into alternating 220V. We use it for lighting and all equipment.
  • Fuses. They are installed between all of them and prevent short circuits.
  • Set of connectors of the MC4 standard

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Where is the best place to install it?

The following are more suitable for installation:

  • roofs of country houses;
  • balconies of apartment buildings;
  • or an adjacent, well-lit area.

Place the reflective surface on the southern side of the building or site. The orientation and tilt relative to the horizon are important.

A good option is when the light falls at an angle of 90°C. This can be achieved if you select the optimal angle. But you should take into account the climatic conditions of the region. For Moscow and the region, the ideal angle of inclination in summer is fixed within 15-20°C, and in winter it reaches 60-70°C.

For maximum performance, the angle should be changed up to 4 times a year. Recommended months for such a change are March, April, August, and October.

Remember – you cannot install modules on the ground. It is advisable to raise them from the ground level by at least half a meter. Firstly, this way they will not be exposed to rain and snow. Secondly, you will ensure good air circulation.

Even a little shade can dramatically reduce productivity. Avoid areas of your site that have even the slightest shadow.

It is not worth attaching extra glass for additional protection from moisture. It has been proven that this reduces the efficiency by up to 30%.

How can I fix it?

There are two main methods:

  • are secured with clamping fasteners;
  • are connected with bolts through through holes, which are located in the lower part of the frame of such a system.

The supporting structure itself is made of durable material (such as steel) that is not subject to corrosion.

Remember, no matter which method you choose, do not make any changes to the design, drill additional holes, or use materials other than those recommended.

The main task facing a person who has decided to equip his house with renewable energy sources is to ensure that it is kept clean. Any dust or dirt can reduce the efficiency of photocells to 10%.

What are the connections of solar batteries?

Typically, systems consist of several panels. They must be connected correctly to be effective. 

So, there are three options:

  • parallel;
  • consistent;
  • mixed.

When installing in parallel, connect the terminals of the same name. In this case, the elements will have 2 communicating nodes of convergence of conductors and their branches.

In this case, the “plus” is connected to the “plus” and the “minus” to the “minus”. The output increases as a result, and the voltage is 12 V. The maximum output is directly proportional to the number of elements that are connected.

Otherwise, the “plus” of the first one is connected to the “minus” of the second one. The remaining ones are then connected to the controller located above. Here, such transmission conditions are created that only one road is possible for the transfer of electricity from the source to the consumer.

With this scheme, the electrical voltage doubles to 24 V. This energy is already quite sufficient for portable equipment, electrical appliances, and LED lamps.

If you need to connect several groups

most often use a series-parallel or mixed one. This method is also convenient because if something fails, other connecting links will continue to work. 

With parallel series, it reaches the level that is sufficient for the full operation of the main devices and lighting lamps.

The combined system is implemented as follows: the devices are connected in parallel, and all groups are connected in series in the common circuit.

You can assemble the battery yourself. You just need to know: that the number of parts that are connected to each other must be such that the voltage in the working circuit, even taking into account its drop, exceeds the battery. At the same time, the load tank must provide the amount of charging current.

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The sequence of assembly of a home power station:

The connection is made using connecting wires with a diameter of 4 mm2. The most suitable for these purposes is the use of copper two-wire, as it is most resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

If you take other types, whose insulation is not so resistant to ultraviolet radiation, then engineers recommend laying them in a corrugated sleeve.

Connect the end of each to a standard MC4 connector using soldering or crimping, which will ensure that the entire connection is sealed.

Regardless of which scheme you choose, first check the correctness of the electrical installation.

For long-term operation, connect everything correctly.

There are several stages here:

  1. We connect the battery with connectors. Watch the polarity.
  2. We connect the module to the controller. We also check the polarity.
  3. We connect a 12 V load to the connectors.
  4. To convert the electric current to 220 V, connect the inverter. It should never be connected to the controller.
  5. We connect household electrical appliances operating on 220 V to the output.

Once installed, perform an idle measurement and recheck the polarity.

If the indicators differ from those stated in the technical data sheet, you installed it incorrectly.

The last important step is grounding.

To minimize the likelihood of short circuits, fuses are installed at the connection points.

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How to connect elements in different directions.

If you use sequential installation, place them at the same angle and on the same surface. This will ensure greater efficiency.

If you place the panels on different planes, then one of them, located closer or better illuminated, will become more powerful than the other. This will entail that it will give part of it to heat the others because the current flows along the path of least resistance. To reduce losses, each should use its controller.

When installing multidirectional ones, you can also take cutoff LEDs. They are placed inside the plates and prevent them from overheating. At the same time, the plates are capable of delivering maximum power.

It is also necessary to take into account the cross-section of the wires used and the drop in the system. If their values ​​do not match, the risk of a short circuit increases.

How to properly combine energy and fixed networks?

It should be remembered that the private consumer has nowhere to give away excess electricity. Therefore, there is a risk of network overvoltage.

Follow this rule: the more sources you connect, the more complex the circuit will be.

The optimal one is one in which the voltage from the solar field first goes to the AC and then is redirected to the load.

In such installations, two types are taken into account: reserved and non-reserved. The first includes electric boiler, refrigerators, autonomous lighting, etc. The second includes household appliances and equipment, main light, etc.

The higher the power of your batteries, the longer the electrical appliances connected to them operate in autonomous mode.

Of course, you need to contact your local power grid for permission. This can be difficult, as it is not in the interests of the centralized power grid to have your electric meter spinning in the opposite direction.

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About John Cena

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