Moldavite Gemstone

The Extraterrestrial Origin of Moldavite Stone: A Gemstone from Space

Moldavite gemstones are one of the oldest gems. It has an interesting origin story about itself. It can attract one’s imagination powers.

Moldavite crystal have extraterrestrial roots and this makes the gemstone unique. Thus, in this blog, we will discuss the extraterrestrial origin of Moldavite; a gemstone from space.

Here you will get to explore the story of the origin of this olive-green gemstone. It has the most unique color of all the gemstones and is highly valued. Here we go.

Origin of Moldavite Gemstone

Moldavite gemstone is known to have formed 15 million years ago. There is a theory that says that moldavite gemstone is one of the oldest gemstones. When a meteorite hit the earth its formation took place.

It is found on the present Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic. The force of this meteorite was high and that is when moldavite was formed. The extreme heat due to this caused all the surrounding rocks and sand to melt and mix with the atmosphere.

It is said that this melted material turned into moldavite gemstone when it cooled down and came back into the earth’s atmosphere. Due to this process of formation, it is known as a tektite.

Moldavites are glassy gemstones made up of several metal oxides. It comes in different colors from pale green to deep forest green. Along with the Czech Republic, it is also found in Austria and Germany.

To know more about the gemstone then have a look at: A Simple Guide To Moldavite Gemstones And Chakras

What are Extraterrestrial Gemstones?

Extraterrestrial gemstones are the ones that are formed above the surface of the earth. Moldavite is the best example of an extraterrestrial type of gemstone.

Like almost all the other gemstones are formed below the surface of the earth through some of the other minerals. And it takes a lot of time in its formation. Whereas extraterrestrial gemstones like moldavite are a result of some meteorite collision.

Its formation takes much less time. It forms in that little time when the rocks melt and go into the atmosphere because of the pressure and extreme heat after the collision.

The liquid solidifies and forms a glass-like structure that is now known as moldavite crystal. It has got its color naturally as per this theory.

Different Colors of Moldavite

Moldavite Stone has a variety of green colors along with brown gemstones to offer to its buyers. Each moldavite not only differs in color but also in shape and size for each other.

Moldavite colors are related to the place it is found in. For example, the bottle green and transparent moldavite gemstones are found in the Bohemian sites of the Czech Republic.

Whereas olive green to brown shades of the gemstone are found in southern Moravia, near Brno. These gemstones are much larger than the Bohemian ones. In this way, the gemstones reared from different places are different in themselves. Other gemstones with similar properties are Opal Stone and Labradorite Crystal.

Significance of Moldavite Gemstone

Moldavite has enjoyed respect from very ancient times, especially in Eastern Europe. It is known that Neolithic men wore moldavite jewels and used them for making antics, tools, and weapons.

The famous Venus of Willendorf, one of the earliest human statues ever found, was discovered at a site where other moldavite statues had been found, indicating its presence in ancient cultures.

Moldavite is popular in modern times for its metaphysical uses. Many people find this as a very potent spiritual stone. It is believed that it helps in personal transformation processes and spiritual growth.

It helps its wearer to gain high states of intuition, emotional healing, and deep connections with the universe. The gemstone has many magical powers that can heal people in many ways. Also read Moldavite Gemstone: Important Tips for Spiritual Changes.


Moldavite gemstones are a result of cosmic history that connects us to the universe. The origin story of the gemstone is very interesting as it consists of both the earth and the universe.

It has many health benefits it offers and is to date used by people for many reasons. It is one of the most beautiful gemstones known in history.

This is all about the extraterrestrial origin of Moldavite; a gemstone from space. Hope this was interesting for you and has quieted all your questions about the gemstone.

About John Cena

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